Teaching and resources for English and Music

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Mediant Studies


The Mediant Group
of the Auckland Branch
of the Institute of Registered Music Teachers

This was inaugurated in 1990 by a group of teachers from Auckland’s inner suburbs, under the then leadership of Judith Cook.

The group aims to provide a safe, secure, non-threatening environment in which musical nurture and care can be given to students and their teachers.

In order to meet these aims, the group carries out a number of activities, both professional (such as holding student recitals) and social.

Student recitals

The group hold quarterly recitals at which students can perform. When there is enough demand, separate recitals are held for seniors and juniors. Members take turns in convening these recitals.

Officers of the Group

The group recognises that members bring a variety of skills and experience, and expresses its recognition of this variety by sharing responsibilities among members. So convenors will change regularly.

Professional Development

The group has at times provided opportunities for members or guests to share teaching methods or pieces they have found worth using.


In 1998 members of the group launched a series of seminars intended to prepare students for the AMusTCL theory examination. These became known as Mediant Music Seminars. The seminars have now run by an independent group known as Mediant Studies, but there is a still a link with the group from which the seminars drew their origin and whose name they bear.

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