Teaching and resources for English and Music

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I would like to thank you very much for your continued support despite the long hiatus on my end in preparation for the exam. I am also very happy to inform you that I was offered a place at one of my dream universities, UC Los Angeles (UCLA) in California, to study Musicology beginning in Fall 2022 (with a 50% scholarship). While I am yet to appear for the LMusTCL exam, I am eternally grateful for all the help you provided me with my musical studies and your highly insightful notes, both of which helped me gain a much firmer grasp on musical styles and developments across centuries and cultures. My learnings from your course and preparation for this exam played a very significant role in my interview and supplemental application essays. I wish to continue exploring this area of interest over the next few years through my revision for the LMusTCL and my university studies.

I am absolutely excited to inform you that I have passed the LMusTCL exam with a score of 65/100! It goes entirely without saying that I couldn't even have imagined appearing for this exam without your excellent guidance and resources, and I will always be grateful for having selected your course to help me improve my music theory skills and knowledge.

Pavan Radhakrishnan
Mumbai, India
July 2022

Mediant Studies

Genre and Set Work

The only option being offered at the moment is the the Chamber Music genre.

There are two parts to Section B of the exam:.

  1. Set work:  This module has been discontinued. 

  2. Module 4, Genre:  An Introduction to chamber music of the last 500 years.  There is already material about chamber music in the Musical Styles module.  There are essay questions of the type asked in examinations.  Students taking the "course" can write these essays and send them in for comments as to how they can be improved to gain higher marks. All students receive essay plans and/or model answers, and lists of sources consulted during the preparation of the notes.


    For both questions, you should do your own study.  Unlike AMusTCL, there will be no analysis questions;  instead you write essays worth 30 marks (set work) and 20 marks (genre).  Taking the Advanced Theory and Musical Style modules would be an excellent way to start.  If you are not used to writing essays in tertiary exams in Western countries, or you have not studied music theory at tertiary (diploma) level, you should find Module 6 Essay-Writing module very helpful.  You will then be well-placed to do your own analysis of the work you have chosen. 

    For the set work, you might look for information about the work:

In the genre question, you should take a similar approach.  A great deal of research goes into creating the material supplied, although you are more likely to gain high marks if you add to what the course offers by doing your own reading and listening.

Full scores can be downloaded from IMSLP.- although many will be old publications which have not benefited from modern research.  Bear in mind, too, that until about 1990 editors often added their own feelings about how a work would sound good, even though it may be quite different from what the composer had in mind - or how the work would have been played at the time it was written.  Recordings can be found on both IMSLP and Youtube.  However you should have your own copy of the score of the work being studied - preferably the score recommended by Trinity Guildhall. 

You will take your score into the exam room.

You should mark in bar numbers, if they are not there already.

You must not put any other markings in the score.

For those who take the course, I spend a considerable amount of time commenting on assignments, in order to help students to widen their knowledge, in answering any questions they ask, and in helping them to improve their essay-writing technique (if necessary). 

Online lessons are available.  (Visit the music lessons page or contact me to ask about these.)

You can see notes provided for previous set works on Academia. These are just notes (without the musical examples, essay plans and model answers which are included in the package I supply.)

Please contact us if you need any more information.

Dear Bruce. Congrats for your works here . Formidable and fantastic your explanations about Bach´s Suite 
P, C. M. de Aguiar, October 2019


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